Advertise on The Website

At we know how difficult it can be to get your show noticed in the hectic theatre world!

Fear not – we have over 160,000 unique visitors a month to our website (prior to lockdown), over 8,000 dedicated subscribers and a not insigificant social media following – including 22K followers on Twitter.

We can help! 

We offer:

  • free listings
  • an eshot to our 8K subscribers interested in theatre
  • an interview or article
  • a banner ad
  • promotion of your listing on our website

Select one or more options from this webage or contact:

Geoffrey Brown: 07793 113 233 /


FREE LISTINGS! Add your show for free!

We offer FREE Show Listings.

Theatre venues can register their venue and then upload information and images about shows at their venue

Alternatively, companies or producers (from anwhere in the UK or beyond) can add shows that may be at other venues, or which may be online

Click on the relevant button below to add your event or venue.

Click HERE for detailed instructions about adding your listing – we strongly recommend having a look at these, especially regarding how to add dates & times.

Take out a Banner Advert on our website

You can take out a banner ad on our website homepage which is visible when visitors arrive at our website.

Prior to lockdown, our homepage banner ads were getting over 20,000 unique visitors viewing every week and were one of the most popular ways of promoting shows.

Your banner ad image should contain as few words as possible (preferably just key info:  name of show, venue, dates) and the size must be exactly 1032 pixels x 430 pixels (landscape). The background should be a solid colour (or colours) rather than transparent. A link to your website can also be included.

It is best to make payment when booking, and you can book for 1 or more weeks at £25 per week. You can pay by invoice but this is not recommended as payment must be received before your banner ad goes live.

Once you have made payment, email your Banner Ad (using the above specifications) to, with the words “Banner Ad” in the email header.  Include the display dates for the banner ad and any URL to which it should be linked.

Click HERE to book your Banner Ad.

Send an Eshot email to our Subscribers

Our mailing list is currently over 8K, and the stats for our eshots are: views of around 15-20%, and clicks averaging 1%. We cannot track conversions to ticket sales, though you may be able to set up a special bookings link to your website so you can track how many book via the link given on the eshot.

You can book to send an eshot once, twice or three times.  Due to lockdown, the cost of sending an eshot has been reduced as follows: one eshot £80 (£60 to 20 August 2023); two eshots £150; three eshots: £220.

It is best to pay when booking.  You can via invoice but please note that the invoice must be paid before the first eshot is sent.

When booking, please complete the eshot content template, including uploading your image.  You can add 1-2 additional images for an extra £5 each.

Click the button below to organise one or more eshots.

Click HERE for additional instructions about completing the booking form for your eshot.

Promote your Show or Venue Listing on

Promoting your listing means:

  • your event listing will appear above others on the homepage
  • your event or venue listing will appear above others on Explore pages which list all events or venues
  • your event or venue listing will appear above others on the Search Results pages (if your show or venue is relevant to that search)
  • your listing will be displayed differently across the website, including being marked as “Verified

There are two options to promote your listing:

  • TOP OF THE PAGE – this means your listing takes priority for the top listings placement – though if there are several “top of the page” bookings, these will rotate across the top spots
  • FEATURED – this means your listing will be displayed as high up the listings as possible, but underneath any listings that have booked the “top of the page” option

To find out more about how promoting your listing works, click here.  You can then select one of the buttons below, depending on your preferred option and your choice of 1 / 2 / 3 weeks.

It is best to pay when making your  booking.  You can choose to pay later by invoice but this is not recommended as payment must be received before your promotion is activated.

You can click HERE for instructions about booking a promotion for your listing.

Publish an Interview or Article

We can publish an interview with a member of your creative team, or an article about your show or forthcoming programme of work.

The latest interviews or articles appear prominently (with image) on our homepage, which will take visitors directly to the interview or article itself.

For interviews, we have a standard nine question template for actors, directors and writers that you can fill in and return for publication in advance of your event.

Articles should be no longer than 1000 words.

You can also submit an image – this can be any dimensions but preferable square or portrait, and no bigger than 1MB.

it is best to pay when you book (£40).  If you choose to pay via invoice, please note that the invoice must be paid before the interview or article is published on our website. 

As soon as a booking is received we will send you the interview template and the article guidance note.

More Information


Payment must be made when booking for banner ads and promoted listings, and for discounted payments for eshots and interviews / articles.

It is best to make pament when booking for your eshot or interview / article.  You can pay via invoice, but payment must be received prior to your interview / article appearing or your eshot being sent.

To talk things through and put together a clever marketing mix, please call Geoffrey Brown on 07793 113 233 or email


We provide step-by-step instructions on how to use the OffWestEnd website in the Support Section of the website.