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Listings Expiry Dates & Re-Listing Expired Listings

So that we can ensure the quality of listings, and make sure that they are kept up-to-date, all listings expire after a certain period of time, but can be re-listed in future without having to re-create the listing from scratch. By default, venues are listed for 5 years (subject to change), whereas event listings expiry dates will vary depending on what was selected when creating the event.

To Re-List your Listing

If your listing has expired, you are able to re-list it if necessary.

Please note: you must be logged in if you wish to re-list your listing. 

  1. On the menu bar at the top of the website, hover over or click on your username and select “My Listings“. Alternatively, click here.
  2. All listings, including expired ones will be listed here, so you will need to find your expired listing. Once you’ve found it, click on the “Relist” button.
  3. After clicking on the re-list button, you will be prompted to select your package. For events, you can choose from a variety of listing durations and promotions (subject to change) and for venues, you’ll see the 5-year listing option. Choose whichever is most appropriate for your listing.
  4. If you chose a paid-for option, complete the checkout process.
  5. Once finished, your event will be re-listed instantly.


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